

The Daycare is a 12-month program, (with exception to the 2 week closure in August). All families are required to pay for the entire year of childcare.

Families in school age programs may sublet their space in the summer only. The Daycare has a summer camp waiting list made up from past families and from other daycares in the community that are closed for the summer. To avoid disappointment please provide the Childcare Director with your sublet form by the deadline provided.

Fees are due and payable on the first of each month. Families are required to submit fees through pre-authorized debit. There is a $25.00 non-base fee for any NSF cheque or outstanding payment through authorized debit. The Board of the Directors has set the following monthly fees for January to December 2025.

Canada Wide Early Learning & Child Care System

Allenby Daycare has enrolled in the Government of Canada’s national childcare system (CWELCC System) which is committed to reduce childcare fees for families, making quality childcare more affordable and accessible.

This 5-year plan’s first step was to freeze childcare fees for children 6 years old and under as of April 1, 2022. Further to this, fees were reduced by 25% in 2022 and reduced even further in 2023 to a total reduction of 52.75%. Information regarding the CWELCC program and any further changes in childcare fees will be updated as required.

Toddlers: $1450 per month/CWELCC $478.50 (Base Fee)
Pre School: $1100 per month/CWELCC $478.50 (Base Fee)
Kindergarten: $600 per month (before and after school care)/CWELCC $283.50 (Base Fee)
School Age: $435 per month (before and after school care)

Registration and Deposit

Once a childcare space has been offered, all completed registration forms must be signed and submitted to the Daycare office prior to a child attending the Daycare. A deposit equal to one month’s fees must be included to complete registration in the Daycare. Upon receipt of registration forms, parents will be contacted by the Daycare to schedule an orientation meeting for new families.

Cancellation of Care

Parents are required to give one month’s written notice on the first of the month prior to withdrawing their child from Allenby Daycare. Failure to give one full month’s notice will result in the loss of the initial deposit.

Late Fees

Allenby Daycare closes promptly at 6:00 p.m. It is the parent’s or guardian’s responsibility to arrive on time to pick-up your child/children. Parent’s or guardians arriving after 6:00 p.m. will be requested to sign a late slip and are charged a late fee of $1.00 per minute for the first 5 minutes, and $5.00 per minute every minute after 6:05 p.m. retroactive to 6:00 p.m. (I.e. 6:06 p.m. = $30.00, 6:07 p.m. = $35.00, 6:08 p.m. = $40.00) . The non-base late fee is charged per family and is paid to Allenby Daycare.

Registration Forms and Checklist

Have you included the following before beginning the childcare program?

  • Child Information Sheet
  • History of the Child
  • Emergency & Trip Release Form
  • Photo consent
  • Pre-authorized Debit Agreement
  • Allergy Information
  • Immunization Form
  • Deposit fee equal to one month’s program fees

Full Day Kindergarten Before & After Care

The Full Day Kindergarten Before & After Care enrollment will be done by lottery on an annual basis if community interest exceeds our licensed capacity.  Priority will only be given to children enrolled in the program for a consecutive year (JK going into SK).


Please contact the Daycare office at [email protected] or [email protected] for registration forms, information and spaces available!

Waiting List

A registration form must be received in order to be put on the waiting list. Priority is established by the date of application. Separate lists are maintained for each age group so that vacancies may be filled in accordance with our licensing restrictions. When spaces become available, licensing restrictions and other operational issues determine how the vacancy will be filled. Siblings of children already in the program have priority only for the regular Daycare programs (Toddler, Preschool & Grade 1-6; this does not apply to children enrolled in the Full Day Kindergarten Before & After Care). The Full Day Kindergarten Before & After Care enrollment will be done by lottery on an annual basis if required. Priority will only be given to children enrolled in the program for a consecutive year(JK going into SK). A child attending the Kindergarten Before & After Care Program is not automatically eligible for admission/attendance in the Grade 1- 6 Allenby Daycare Program. The Grade 1- 6 Daycare Program has a separate registration policy, process and wait list. The Childcare Director and the Board of Directors will consider exceptional circumstances. Once a Daycare spot has been offered to a family and that spot has been declined, the family may remain on the waiting list. However, the date of application will be changed to the date of refusal. This may impact the family’s future eligibility to enroll at the Daycare. The waiting list application can be downloaded from our website.

Please contact the Daycare office for more information.